New Website, New Us!


Happy Fall Everyone! 

Thank you SO much for the support and kind messages you've sent us in the last few months! We've had an interesting summer to say the least (I'm looking at you broken tibia and broken wrist!) and we've been working as hard as possible to catch up and get everything on Etsy shipped out and sent to their new homes :) 

You may have noticed that we have not had an update in a little over a month and it's all because we've been prepping for this! We're going to be changing things around a little now and I think that everyone will be VERY happy with this new system. Out with Dyed-to-Order updates and in with Ready-to-Ship! That's right, from now on when we do updates, yarn will be shipping out within 10 business days. :) WOOHOO! 

We're so happy that we're finally in a place that we can make this happen. We've changed the way we're going about things in the studio and I think that this will be beneficial not only for us but for everyone else as well! :D 

We're going to be having a test-run update this coming Tuesday starting at 3 pm EST to make sure everything is running correctly and working! It won't be a large update but we're going to be doing more updates soon so don't worry if you don't get what you were after :) 

Again, thank you so much for all the love and support we've gotten :D 

Happy Friday!


Stephanie Sanders6 Comments